Auto close incident after 3 business days

Auto close incident after 3 business days

Closes Incidents in a “Resolved” state if they haven’t been updated within a specified number of hours. The duration is calculated based on a predefined schedule (e.g., business hours).

You can use below script in business rule/ Script include/ Fix script to close the incident. You can close problem/Request with same code just you need to adjust the table, fields and value according to target table.

// Get the auto-close time threshold from system properties
var autoCloseHours = parseInt(gs.getProperty('glide.ui.autoclose.time', '0')); // Default to 0 if property is undefined

if (autoCloseHours > 0) {
    // Retrieve the schedule by name
    var scheduleRecord = new GlideRecord('cmn_schedule');
    if (!scheduleRecord.get('name', '8-5 weekdays excluding holidays')) {
        gs.error("Schedule '8-5 weekdays excluding holidays' not found.");

    // Initialize the schedule
    var schedule = (typeof GlideSchedule !== 'undefined') 
        ? new GlideSchedule(scheduleRecord.sys_id) 
        : new;

    // Get the current date/time for calculations
    var now = new GlideDateTime();

    // Query for incidents in the Resolved state
    var incidentGR = new GlideRecord('incident');
    incidentGR.addQuery('state', 6); // 6 = Resolved state

    while ( {
        // Calculate the duration since the last update, based on the schedule
        var lastUpdated = incidentGR.sys_updated_on.getGlideObject();
        var duration = schedule.duration(lastUpdated, now);

        // Convert duration to hours
        var totalHours = duration.getDayPart() * 24 + parseInt(duration.getDurationValue().split(':')[0]);

        // Close incidents that exceed the auto-close threshold
        if (totalHours >= autoCloseHours) {
            incidentGR.state = 7; // 7 = Closed state
   = false;
            // incidentGR.comments = 'Incident automatically closed after ' + autoCloseHours + ' hours in the Resolved state.';


Step by step explanation

1. Get Threshold

var ps = gs.getProperty('glide.ui.autoclose.time'); // Fetch the threshold (in hours) from a system property
var pn = parseInt(ps); // Convert the value to an integer

Create property glide.ui.autoclose.time in table “sys_properties” and assign the number of hours after which you want to close the incident after resolution.

2. Load a Schedule

var schedRec = new GlideRecord('cmn_schedule');
schedRec.get('name', '8-5 weekdays excluding holidays');
var sched = new GlideSchedule(schedRec.sys_id);

1. Create new schedule named “8-5 weekdays excluding holidays”. Navigate to System Scheduler > Schedules.

2. Used “8-5 weekdays excluding holidays” schedule to calculate business time.


3. Get the Current Date and Time

var actualDateTime = new GlideDateTime();


4. Query for Resolved Incidents

var gr = new GlideRecord('incident');
gr.addQuery('state', 6); // 'Resolved' state is represented by 6


5. Calculate the Time Difference

var difDay = sched.duration(gr.sys_updated_on.getGlideObject(), actualDateTime).getDayPart() * 24;
var difHour = sched.duration(gr.sys_updated_on.getGlideObject(), actualDateTime).getDurationValue().split(':')[0].substr(-2);
var dif = difDay + parseInt(difHour.replace(/^[0]+/g,""));
  • The sched.duration() method calculates the duration between two dates considering the schedule.
  • The result is split into:
    • Days: Converted to hours and added to the final difference.
    • Hours: Parsed and added to the day-based hours for total time.


6. Close the Incident if Time Exceeds Threshold

if (dif >= pn) {
   gr.state = 7; // 'Closed' state is represented by 7 = false; // Mark the incident as inactive
   // gr.comments = 'Incident automatically closed after ' + pn + ' hours in the Resolved state.';
   gr.update(); // Save the record

If the calculated time (dif) is greater than or equal to the threshold (pn):

    • The state is set to “Closed” (7).
    • The active flag is set to false.
    • Optionally, a comment can be added explaining the reason for closure.


Key Considerations

    1. Schedule:
      • Ensure the schedule exists in System Scheduler > Schedules.
      • If you want the script to run 24/7, skip the schedule setup and calculate based on elapsed time only.
    2. System Property:
      • Define glide.ui.autoclose.time in System Properties under System Definition > Properties.
      • Example value: 48 for 48 hours.
    3. States:
      • State 6: Resolved.
      • State 7: Closed.
    4. Script Placement:
      • Deploy the script as a Scheduled Job under System Definition > Scheduled Jobs to run it periodically.
    5. Testing:
      • Run the script in a test instance first to ensure no unintended closures occur.




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