There are two object which been used very frequently at client side.
- g_form
- g_user
The GlideForm client-side API provides methods for managing form and form fields like:
- Retrieve a field value on a form
- Hide a field
- Make a field read-only
- Write a message on a form or a field
- Add fields to a choice list
- Remove fields from a choice list
Most commonly used GlideForm(g_form) methods are:
- getValue()
- addOption()
- clearOptions()
- addInfoMessage()
- addErrorMessage()
- showFieldMsg()
- clearMessages()
- getSections()
- getSectionName()
The GlideUser API provides methods and non-method properties for finding information about the currently logged in user and their roles.
The GlideUser API has properties and methods to retrieve the user’s:
- First name
- Full name
- Last name
- User ID
- User name
The GlideUser API also has methods for determining if a user has a specific role.
function onLoad() { //Type '' appropriate comment here, and begin script below g_form.showErrorBox('assigned_to', 'Info message'); alert(g_form.getValue('short_description')); g_form.addInfoMessage('Testing'); g_form.addErrorMessage('Testing2'); g_form.showFieldMsg('assigned_to', 'Info message'); confirm('Hi'); g_form.getSections()[1].hide(); alert(g_user.hasRole('itil')); alert(g_user.hasRoleExactly('itil')); }